Insight SIP joins Rutronik to present a Webinar "Why WiFi 6 is the WiFi for IOT Upgrade"

On Monday 16th September at 14:00 CET, Insight SIP will deliver a Webinar about the WiFi 6 upgrade. 

This Webinar will discuss the new features of the WiFi 6 upgrade, and how and why these make WiFi a very much more "IOT friendly" technology. We will also discuss what implications this has for WiFi chip and module design, and finally present Insight SIP's leading edge WiFi 6 solution.

You can register for the Webinar here

Further Webinars in this series later in the Autumn will cover Ultra-Wide Band technology, and the next generation Bluetooth Low Energy Products


Insight SiP
GreenSide, Bat.7, Entree2,
400 Avenue Roumanille, BP 309
F-06906 Sophia–Antipolis FRANCE

Phone: +33 (0) 493 008 880

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