Outlook for the Electronics Industry for 2024

Outlook for the electronics industry 2024 – a challenging year ahead (Published in EE Times)

The last few years in the electronics industry have been exceptional in many ways – a supply chain crisis throughout the industry, record lead times and backlogs for suppliers, and rather desperate customers. There’s little doubt that as we enter 2024, we are in the midst of the “rebound” from this state of affairs. 

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Insight SiP classée 101-ème dans le classement 2024 des sociétés françaises championnes de la croissance

Communiqué de presse                                 

Sophia Antipolis, France, 14 Février 2024 - Insight SiP, fournisseur de modules RF miniatures avancés, est classée 101-ème sur 500 dans le classement 2024 des sociétés françaises championnes de la croissance dans un classement établie par Les Echos, le quotidien français d'information économique et financière.

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Insight SIP is classed in place 101 out of 500 in Les Echos "Growth Champions" in France

Press Release (translation to English)                            

Sophia Antipolis, France, 14 February 2024- Insight SiP, a supplier of advanced miniature RF modules has been placed in position 101 out of 500 in a growth league organised by "Les Echos". Les Echos is a French financial newspaper, which could be considered to be a French equivalent of the Financial Times or Wall Street Journal. 

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Outlook for the Electronics Industry in 2023

Just ahead of 2022, I peered into my crystal ball, and made some predictions in Embedded Computing Design for the year for the global electronics industry. Reading those in 2023, I can say with some degree of satisfaction that the predictions were far more hit than miss. I predicted inflation would be far stronger and more persistent than governments and central banks had forecast (definite hit!). I forecast that geopolitical tensions would lead to a big rethink of global supply chain (yes!). I said that demand would remain strong throughout the year, but at the end of it, we would see some softening as effects of stockpiling and price increases fed through, something that I believe is now happening.

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New Developments in Ultra-Wide Band

Ultra-Wide Band has been a kind of “Cinderella” technology for some time – attractive in many ways, but not really invited to the technological party. Or perhaps the classic “solution in search of a problem”. This article will look at Ultra-Wide Band technology (UWB), what it has been used for, why it hasn’t really become mainstream yet and why this might change soon.

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    Insight SiP
    GreenSide, Bat.7, Entree2,
    400 Avenue Roumanille, BP 309
    F-06906 Sophia–Antipolis FRANCE

    Phone: +33 (0) 493 008 880

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