Medical Devices
Electronics plays an increasingly important role in modern medicine. Skilled medical personnel are at a premium. Healthcare providers rely on technology to achieve efficiencies in care for their patients. Prevention and early detection of problems are nearly always more cost effective than treatment of advanced disease, and electronic solutions can play a key role here.
Insight SIP’s modules are a highly attractive option for medical device manufacturers. There are major regulatory hurdles for any medical product. So the last thing a manufacturer needs is to worry about RF regulations as well.. The miniature size of our devices is ideal for any wearable item, and we can offer excellent support based on our research on body worn devices.
A common architecture for wearable devices is to have a BLE connection to a phone (allowing long battery lifetime for the wearable), with the phone acting as a bridge to the cloud, where data can be subject to advanced analytics, saved securely and/or forwarded to a medical practitioner.
Insight SIP has provided RF modules to customers across a wide range of medical applications including:
- Continuous glucose monitoring
- Advanced temperature patches with remote monitoring
- Bionic arms
- Monitoring of medical products in transit
- Sleep monitoring
- Fertility aids
Example Case Study: Limbitless Solutions turns children into superheroes